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The idea for Purpose Vanguards Int originated in 2017 when Kamil Toume began researching his first book, "Separating Grain from Chaff." As the title suggests, the book tackles the challenge of distinguishing true leaders from the rest. Kamil posits that purpose should be the benchmark for evaluating leaders' contributions. Purpose Vanguards Int aims to universalize this concept of purpose, highlighting genuine business leaders whose actions inspire, empower, and drive positive cha nge in people's lives.

The idea for Purpose Vanguards Int originated in 2017 when Kamil Toume began researching his first book, "Separating Grain from Chaff." As the title suggests, the book tackles the challenge of distinguishing true leaders from the rest. Kamil posits that purpose should be the benchmark for evaluating leaders' contributions. Purpose Vanguards Int aims to universalise this concept of purpose, highlighting genuine business leaders whose actions inspire, empower, and drive positive change in people's lives.

The problem lies in the absence of great leadership, stemming from a lack of understanding and widespread misconceptions about what true leadership entails. This deficiency has exacerbated issues, accelerating the dehumanisation that increasingly impacts people's lives. The challenge, therefore, is to redefine leadership by anchoring it in its true essence—making purpose the universal standard for leadership. This shift aims to inspire and drive the creation of a better world.

Universalising and inspiring purpose worldwide to build a better world.

Imagine a world where purpose becomes the universal language spoken and understood by all. Such a world would be inspiring, humane, and peaceful, with individuals and communities driven by shared values and goals. Envision a completely transformed world where everyone across the globe discovers their purpose and taps into their fullest potential. In this world, every action and decision is infused with meaning, leading to unprecedented levels of fulfillment, collaboration, and positive change. This is the vision that Purpose Vanguards Int strives to make a reality

We work collaboratively with leadership-focused individuals and businesses worldwide to create a positive impact for all. Explore what we do here!

No one in business can claim to be a prophetic figure, akin to a missionary of love and peace. The key difference is recognising that our existence isn't solely about survival. While food is essential, it is not the purpose of our lives. Grasping this distinction is vital to understanding true leadership and the concept of having a purpose. Most consultancies and businesses charge exorbitant fees purely for profit. At Purpose Vanguards Int, we acknowledge that while money is necessary to sustain our operations and achieve our goals, it is not our ultimate purpose. We are in business to make a meaningful impact. The fees we charge are simply the means to fuel our mission.

This involves making the concept of purpose accessible and applicable to everyone, regardless of their background or position. By doing so, we ensure that purpose-driven leadership is not reserved for a select few but becomes a guiding principle for all individuals and organisations, fostering a collective effort towards a better world.

about purpose vanguards

Purpose Vanguards Int, founded and led by Kamil Toume, is a global leadership movement dedicated to harnessing the transformative power of purpose. Our primary objective is to make purpose ubiquitous, fostering a brighter future for all. We strive to illustrate how purpose-driven leadership fuels meaningful progress in our world. Additionally, we serve as a platform for recognising and honoring leaders who exemplify purpose-driven leadership in action.

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